Monday, October 21, 2013

Rekindling The Flame of the Church of God In Texas

The Church of God in Texas has accepted the mandate to work to fulfill the Great Commission!  We want to revitalize the Church of God Movement in the state of Texas. We are doing this through the teaching, training and transmitting of the foundational distinctive doctrinal ideals of the Church of God Movement, Anderson, IN. The seven distinctives are:
1. Gospel Church
2. Bible Church
3. Born Again Church
4. Holiness Church
5. Unity Church
6. Kingdom Church
7. Missionary Church
We need your help and participation to make this happen!  Do you want a church faithful to the Great Commission? Do you want a vibrant ministry at your local congregation? Do you want to see your church grow?  Join us as we work together to rekindle the flame of the Church of God in Texas!